My best friend at home

Hello! I’m Saksith. Do you like a dog? I like them. I often see a dog and I feeding a dog at home. He is a male and his name Kha. He is one-year-old. He is mall and his hair is black. He has got small eyes and a small brown nose. His nose always moves as he sniffs and it’s very funny. He has got big ears long teeth and long moustache. His legs are very short and his got a short tail. His body is long and he’s little bit fat. He likes eating a rice. He eats meat but his favorites food is soup. He lives in a house with my family and he’s got a lot of balls. He like his ball best. He runs around it. At the night, he sleeps very well because he is tired.

I feed him every day put clean a water and put a rice for him. On Sunday, I take a shower with him. I love 💕 him and I think he is one my best friends.

Story by Vey Rithysaksith, 13 years, living in Cambodia


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