One day the ant is very thirsty. The ant was drinking water from the river. Suddenly, the ant lost his balance and fell in to the river and the ant says help, help, help! cried the ant. But, no one could hear his cries. A dove is sitting on a tree nearby and saw that the ant was in trouble, he quickly plucked of a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the water. The ant climbed on the leaf. He thanks to the dove that was saving his life. After day, the dove was sitting on the tree. The ant saw a hunter aiming his grown at the dove. The ant knew that his friends the dove was in danger he quickly bit the hunter around until he missed the dove. This time the ant saved the dove. The dove thanked the ant for saving his life and after that they become friend forever.
Story by An Davy, 12 years, living in Cambodia