Hello, I am Sripriya, 14 years and I am from India.
Who is your role model and why?
My father is a perfect role model for me. He is a wonderful human being with virtues of love, compassion, gratitude and kindness. With great educational qualifications from world renowned institutions, he has been able to make a name for himself in the business world. He was brought up by my grandfather single handedly as my grandmother passed away when he was barely five months old. He is a very ambitious person who not only fought against all odds to fulfill his dreams but also made his father very proud.of himself. I consider him to be a perfect man who strives to strike a balance between his work and personal life. He has always worked relentlessly towards achieving his goal but has treaded the path of ethics and has been a pillar for whoever needed support. After becoming successful and reaching a respectable pedestal in life, very few can embrace people of different stratas of society with equality. He has taught me that being successful does not only mean earning for your own self but also being able to give back to the society in whichever way one can. His strong value system, the attitude of an achiever yet always full of humility inspires me to be like him. I will consider myself to be successful if I can follow his footsteps.
One dream you wish comes true. State why.
Dream is a simple five letter word with one syllable, but it has a variable meaning. If one thinks about it the meaning of dream is not really defined. It differs from person to person. However if I were to choose one dream of mine which I really wish would come true, I would perhaps want to have the ability to control time. The main reason behind wanting time to be a quantity which could be changed is that if one knew what the future holds, one would be able to go back and rectify the mistakes which have had a huge impact on one’s life. This does not hold true at only a personal level but also for society as whole, at a global and economic level as well. If one could go back and change the events of the past, probably many wars would not have taken place, kingdoms wouldn’t have been destroyed, maybe even the world would have been very different to what we know it as today.