An adventure

The Move

It was a sunny day in Mexico, we all sat out in our garden the monarch butterflies sat on the trees and we all were eating popsicles. My mom and dad told us some sad but exciting news that we have to move to US because they got new jobs there and we can be close to our family. Oops I forget to introduce myself and family. My name is Scarlet and I have 3 sisters named Zara, Sara they are twins and Charlette, my twin. And also my mom and dad finally it is my dog Ivy. Sunday we started packing, after we were done packing we said bye to all our friends and neighbours. On Monday at 5:00 am my mom woke us up, I got  dressed up and we rushed to the airport. I found my seat on the flight and I sat next to Charlette. And I asked her “How do you think life in US would be?” She replied saying “How do I know, but I am thrilled to be going to a new country”.

After a couple of hours, the pilot said that we would be reaching Los Angeles in a few minutes. I was super thrilled. After I got down from the airport we went to this super big hotel. Right after we put our suitcases in the room. We changed into our swimming costumes. We just jumped into the pool, splash and splash; the pool was amazing. After we were done playing in the pool, we were soooooo hungry, so  we ate lunch. I eat a veg salad and a slice of pizza. And for dessert I eat raspberry ice cream. It was delicious. We had to stay in the hotel till the house was ready for us to move in.


The Creepy Basement

The house was big. My room was the best of all; it had bule and purple light and a big bunk bed for me and Charlette. It had a nice pretty mirror and two study desks and a bean bag. Me and Scarlet raced down the hall and we saw this creepy basement; we saw Sara and Zara eating a snack on the sofa and we grabbed their hands and ran back to the basement. It looked creepy said Sara munching on her snack. So, I decided to go in the basement. The second I stepped my foot in the basement we heard a scary sound.

All the girls ran all the way upstairs. Then I found out it was a star shape squeaky toy that I had stepped on. I thought it was a weird sound for a toy. I ignored the toy and ran upstairs as fast as I could and I saw the girls in the upstairs hall with funny freaked out faces. I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheek. After I stopped laughing, I told them that it is a squeaky toy. So, we all came back down together. And we stared at the creepy basement. And we decided to go in the basement together. Each step it became darker and darker. And we reached the basement. It was so dark we could not see a thing. “The lights” said Sara. She turned on the light and finally we could see everything. I gasped! I found a big Globe, I called the girls, Charlette and Sara were amused by the globe but Zara was interested with the darts she found next to the Globe. So she decided to throw the darts. She aimed at the wall but it fell on the Goble and landed on fairy land. When I got close to it, I saw places on the globe I never heard off. So I took out the dart from the Goble, In a second we weren’t in the basement any more. WOOOOOSH


Fairy land

We were so confused where we were. We saw people or fairies, I wasn’t sure. They had big wings and most beautiful clothing you ever imagined, straight hair, hair draped with flowers and butterflies. Suddenly there were firecracker in the sky that spooked us and it said the following message: “Hi there, you have to find the one and only gem in this land and there are some riddles. If you find that gem you   will go back home. So here goes the first riddle: ”I can fly to eat rainbows, who am I?” We were walking while looking at the riddle in the sky and did not notice a few fairies who were coming our way and dashed the beautiful looking fairies.

They said ‘come with us’ and blind folded us. We were so confused where we were and who were these fairies. In a minute they took off the blind fold and there was light hitting at our eyes. The fairy’s said they have some questions for us. They asked if we were humans. When we said ‘yes’ they became happy and they  were jumping up and down. Zara said ‘can you explain why are you so happy?’ “Oops, we totally forgot to tell you that we are the guardians of the Globe. My name is “Winter” said a fairy and “my sister’s name is Summer. We see that you what to find the gem and we will help you to find the gem”.


The Quest

Winter and Summer took us to the fairy jungle. It looked bright and clean and with a lot of fantasy creatures. “It is going be a long walk but no worriers”, said Winter. “We will call our pets dragons”. I said “Excuse me!”. Winter said “Yes, we will call our pet dragons.” Then Summer and Winter whistled together. Then suddenly two humongous dragons appeared. They had elongated wings and a big tale. Winter said “meet Moonlight and Sunlight. Moonlight is Winter’s pet dragon and Sunlight is Summer’s pet dragon”. We decided that me and Charlette are going with Moonlight and Winter and then Zara and Sara were going with Sunlight and Summer. “Get ready!” said Summer and we were up in the sky with the cold wind in my hair.

“Remember the riddle the firecracker told us” said Zara. It goes like this said Sara; “I can fly to eat rainbows, who am I?” Summer said there is only one creature who loves to eat rainbows, its Rainbowlicious the Unicorn. “But where do we find this unicorn?” Charlette said. Winter replied that there is a place in the middle of the forest called ‘The place of joy and fun’ where Rainbowlicious lives. “That sounds fun” said Sara. Zara was getting impatient and asking every five minutes if we were there yet. Winter said that “We are here”. Moonlight and Sunlight landed in the place of joy and fun. We got down from the dragons. We screamed saying “Hello anyone there” finally the unicorn came out thrilled saying “Welcome new customers, are you ready to have some fun! I see you are looking for the new riddle, I will only give the riddle if you play tic tac magic toe with me.

Winter whispered saying “It is tic tac toe”. “OOOOOH” me and my sister replied. “Excuse me!” the unicorn said: “I am going to tell you who to play the game you must use your powers to play the game and if you win three times, I will tell you the 2 riddles”. We started turns form oldest to youngest. Winter was up first` because she was way older than us. Winter won the first match we were glad, but the unicorn was not worried yet. Summer went next but she lost the unicorn became happier. Finally, it was my turn I took a deep breath I started to play, but it was tie. It is fine the unicorn told me, and “you will do a rematch”. “Okay” I said in my confident way. We started playing finally I won. Okay I will tell you the next riddle “It can run but cannot walk, it has a bed but cannot sleep. Who am I”. “That’s it!” Zara said. “Remember in Miss Rose class she told all rivers have a beds and rivers run and cannot walk”. All the girls were happy that they cracked the riddle. Summer said there is a famous river close by where a sea monster lives. “Do you want to go there” she asks. “There is no time to waste.” I said. “Please take us to the river.” said Zara.


Going on and on….

We finally reached the river. But how will the river give us the next clue Zara said. Summer said “One sea monster comes on a full moon at 12:00 and “It is 12:00 “Winter said. BAM a sea monster came up. “Hi!” he said in a shy voice. “If you want the next riddle you must try to take this shell from my hand then I will tell you the clue”. It was my turn, but I could not get the shell. Next it was it was Charlette turn she was pretty nervous; in a sec she jumped a then she got the shell and she got down to the ground. “Here go’s the riddle” the sea monster said “I have hands, but I cannot clap.” And then BAM he disappeared in the river. Looking at her wrist watch Charlette said “ It could be a clock “. “Winter do you have a clock tower nearby” I asked. “Yes, we do, all we do is to take a left from here” she said. In a minute we reached the clock tower. We searched the area for the next riddle. While I was walking near some statutes I found something odd about one statue, I looked at it closer and it looked like the shell the sea monster gave us. I called Sara because she had the shell, I smacked the shell into the statue. And then the clock read out the next the next clue.

“I can be red, pink, orange, yellow, but I am not a crayon and I smell nice, and I can poke you. Who am I?”” It could be a porcupine “Sara said. “But porcupines are brown and black” Zara told. “Maybe it is a flower”, said Summer. “A rose can poke you” she said. “you are a genies” I said. Winter said we should head to the rose patch close by. “That is a great idea!” I said. We head to the rose patch it took us few minutes or so. We explored around and Sara called us and we found a humongous red rose. “I think that I should touch the rose maybe it will give us the next clue” I said. I touched the rose and we found a beautiful gem inside it, I took out the gem .and ‘ZAP’ I was back in the basement along with my sisters. We did not know what happened to Summer and Winter. And then Mom called and said it is time for dinner. We rushed back up and sat at the dining room. Dad asked where we were all this time. We said “In the basement. ”all at once . “What were you guys doing In there?” he asked. “Nothing!” we said. “Fine “Dad said “We will talk about it later and drink up the soup before it gets cold”. While drinking our we did not speak a word. After dinner I grabbed my sisters and ran back into my room. “Let’s go to the attic tomorrow and find something exciting” I said and they said “Yes, we are ready for another new adventure!!!”


Story by Nainika Reddy Muppidi, 9 years, living in India. This story is produced in partnership with the ‘Prodigies 2022’ event (see:


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