Welcome to CONNECT, a digital magazine for children between the ages of 8 and 15 years.
CONNECT is an online magazine not confined to borders. What do we mean? Quite simply, children from across the world, from different geographies, different cultures, different environments, etc., can share their thoughts, passion, opinions and dreams on this online platform. CONNECT believes that doing so will spark greater mutual understanding and motivate children to celebrate the diversity in the world.
Indeed, CONNECT believes that understanding and respect grows with honest dialogue and respectful communication. We want to celebrate diversity instead of fearing it. We are all human but on the surface we appear different by virtue of having different skin colour, cultures, languages, food habits, tastes, music, art, etc. This ‘diversity’ in reality makes us stronger, makes us richer and better prepared for life, when we engage with each other meaningfully.
Since the start in 2020, we have posted numerous contributions from children all over the world. We publish poems, drawings, pictures and stories from children in different countries. In 2020 we started a section ‘Around the World’ in which we call for contributions from
children from every country in the world.
Currently, we have contributions from 25 countries in six continents!
We are happy to partner with other organisations: Writing Through, Anjali House and Sakthi-Vidiyal
So….are you interested?
Are you between 8 and 15 years of age? You can contribute! You can send content about issues you are interested in: comics, sports, friendship, culture, music, environment, food, health, film, holidays, family, etc. Send your drawing, poem, video, article or story to
contact@connectmag.org and make sure that you give consent to publish it on this website. You can also ask or introduce other children in the ages of 8 to 15 years to contribute. You must know that contributions need to be respectful.
Since the start, we have not edited any of the content provided by children even if there are grammatical errors given our philosophy that children should be given free rein to express themselves so long as it respects our values.
We hope this magazine continues to grow into a platform which connects children from all over the world. We hope you enjoy experiencing CONNECT. Do let us know your feedback: you can write your feedback under each post or you can write directly to us:
Team ‘Connect Magazine’,
Priya, Martin, Veeresh, Rimplepreet, Lohith, Vignesh & Arjun