
CONNECT is ONE! CONNECT celebrates its first anniversary. One year ago, in July 2020, we started CONNECT: a magazine for children between 8 and 15 years of age. CONNECT is an online magazine not restricted by borders. What do we mean? This means that children from across the world, from different geographies, different cultures, different […]
Our eight contribution is from Zogbo Sarah Marie Frederique from IVORY COAST.

Hello, I am Sarah. I am 9 years old and I am from Ivory Coast. Who is your role model and why? My model character is Pocahontas (a little girls comic book ‘Warrior in Aloha country of the Hawaiian Islands). I admire her because she is brave, kind and protects animals and she is very […]
Our seventh contribution is from Mohamed Hajith from SRI LANKA.

Hello everybody, I am Mohamed Hajith. I am 14 years old and I am from Sri Lanka. I study at the Km/STR/Sammanthurai Muslim Madhya Maha Vidyalaya (National School) Who is your role model and why? My role model is Mr. Kumar Sankakara; the Sri Lankan cricket commentator and former cricketer of Sri Lanka cricket team. […]
Wonderful Dream

In my dream I have been walking through the forest I have smelled a lot of amazing things When the wind came All the leaves are waving It looks like they welcome me home It makes me feel like I have been there before When I go forwards I see the lake It has blue […]
Save Water

Save Water Water, water for all, It quenches the thirst of one and all. Water is needed for our daily deeds, And leaves us with no needs. But water we must save, As it doesn’t appear when we simply wave, We should use the same water again and again, As without water the Earth […]
Decisions and Emotions don’t go Hand in Glove

Human beings are complicated creatures. We are always in a state of motion be it mentally or physically. Physical tiredness can be overcome by just a good night of sleep but I often wonder if the same can be said about our overwhelming and more often than not taxing emotions and thoughts? We often may […]
Reduce Reuse Recycle

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle are the three R’s of life, This is the way to save humanity from any strife, Savour your resources till you drop, Water in our taps is precious and soon it might stop, So make it count and save every drop. Use items and then use them again, Everything from plates […]
Our sixth contribution is from Hong Yean from CAMBODIA.

Hello, I am Hong Yean, I am 13 years old and I am from Cambodia. Who is your role model and why? My role model’s name is Chantho and she is 40 years old. She is, in fact, my mother. She earns a living by begging. She is a good role model for me and […]
Healthy food VS Junk food

Healthy food makes us strong, By eating it we can never go wrong. Junk food makes us fat and unfit, And makes it hard to even move a bit. Junk food is bad for our health, And even for our stealth. Healthy food let’s us grow, And gives us the power to run to […]
Art and Culture Unifies Us

About Sripriya: Sripriya is passionate about writing and is also a voracious reader. She loves to paint and is adept at various forms of art. She has a senior diploma in Kathak and also plays the synthesizer. ______________________________________________________________________ In this big bad world, one hears grotesque news on an everyday basis. Sometimes one may feel […]