Features of the magazine

For and by Children
CONNECT is mainly produced by children: they ‘own’ the content of the magazine. Children will also be included in the editorial decision making. Since children will be involved in producing the content of the magazine, they stand to hone their language skills, better understand project management, enhance general knowledge, etc.
Since children will be involved in producing the content of the magazine, they stand to hone their language skills, better understand project management, enhance general knowledge, etc.
If you are between 8 and 15 years and interested to become part of the Editorial Committee, let us know! Go to ‘Contact’ and send us your thoughts with a brief message on your motivation.
CONNECT does not have borders, either in scope or in content: it has local, national (Indian and states) and international news: the children of today are the future global citizens of tomorrow. The content features stories from and about children on issues they are interested in: comics, sports, friendship, culture, music, environment, food, health, film, holidays, family, etc.

For the moment CONNECT is only available online. CONNECT is linked with the main social media platforms: Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
CONNECT encourages young readers:
To think and experience that differences make us stronger;
To understand that in the end we are all the same;
To therefore realize that we should take care of each other, respecting seeming differences;
And to follow our dreams.
Respect, tolerance and inclusiveness are the values and principles of the magazine: they are part of the editorial framework and will steer the editorial decision making.